Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today I awoke with " Bitter Sweet " feelings..the loss of band members, and new challenges ahead.
Having to finish recording Six more songs, but before that can take place I need to audition some
musicians, rehears the songs and then when we're ready go into the studio. No having time to waste
is a Self imposed discipline, always having my focus on Quality and not Quantity! Over a span of four
decades I have seen musicians come and go and what I have learned is that each one had something
to teach me.... this way I remain a student and most important " Humble ". We as humans have to
have an Ego, and it's up to each and everyone of us to use it with Positiveness and Harmony and
leave the rest behind. Making music is a Very Spiritual Experience..it can be the way to Finding
Universal Communion, a Oneness with The Infinite. Every musician who becomes one with His or Hers
instrument comes to have this Amazing Experience, to some it's called SATORI and to others it's
NIRVANA...as for myself It's the Silence between the notes, I Thank my Higher Power for this Truly
Beautiful Gift. Jojo Taylor